Top Five Reasons Why You Should Go Raw this summer

1. The Heat

So how do you beat summer’s scorching heat especially here in Manila? A Fruit Smoothie? A Green Smoothie? Perhaps some fresh coconut water? Or how does a bowl of extremely, extremely chilled fruits sound like?

Nonetheless, we believe summer is indeed the best time of the year to start incorporating more raw, plant based food and really feel the nourishing effects it has on your body. Just make sure to not overdo it especially if you’re just starting out. Bet you don’t want to bloat so just go easy with it.

Another plus with eating more fresh fruits and veggies? Raw Food gives your digestive system a much needed break as they don’t  require so much energy to digest – leaving you feeling lighter, healthier and happier!


2. The “Chill” Vibe

One of the many benefits of adopting a Raw Vegan Lifestyle translates to lesser food preparation, which greatly saves so much of your time and energy spent on cooking your food. Well of course, unless you want to grill pineapples and coat them with some cumin barbecue sauce (which totally reminds me of that intriguing yet sumptuous dish from the newly opened High Street Café at Shangrila BGC).

Then that’s a completely, completely different story. Point is, gone are the days when you have to prep so much just for one meal cause you always have the option to indulge in a huge Chocolate Almond Butter Banana Smoothie, or even a Tropical Mango Papaya Coconut Milk Shake whenever you want to. It’s pretty much a very “chill lifestyle” cause these, you just have to blend with your Nutribullet or if you’re lucky to own a Vitamix, then by all means, use it to nourish yourself and the people around you.

For those whose palates are more inclined to savoury dishes, you could always be creative with your vegetables. Cut up some greens, cucumbers, tomatoes. Make an awesome salad dressing from olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemons and limes, chilli…then add some salt, pepper, paprika –  or whichever your favourite spice may be!

Others would even go to the extent of spiralising vegetables such as cucumbers and zucchinis (fancy but worth the try!) for a healthier Raw Vegan Marinara Pasta. The options are endless and most of the time, it is your intuition that guides you to create dishes that are best for your body.

So, if you’re relatively new to this lifestyle, you’ll appreciate how easy it is to actually live and start embodying a Raw Vegan lifestyle – eating Nature’s healing fruits and vegetables at its purest state, and saying YES to a better, healthier and a Vibrant YOU!


3. The Light

Give it a try and you’ll definitely feel a certain lightness in many aspects of your life starting to manifest. You’ll also notice signs of good digestion, given that you drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day, or more – depending on your physical activity. Nonetheless, just because your body doesn’t spend so much energy on digestion, you’d feel lighter and such gives you more energy to channel on other things that you may want to pursue.

It definitely gives you more focus as well with what you’re doing sans the heavy feeling you get from overeating processed food, and we know we are guilty of that at some point in our lives, right? And that’s probably why you’ve come up this far to read this, cause you want to start a positive change in life.

You can start with what you choose to put on your plate.

4. The Glow

It’s way more than just getting that beach-bod you’ve always dreamt of, it’s that glow that radiates from within, from the living, nourishing food that you choose to eat – and believe me, you could feel it and people around you could see it in your eyes!


5. The Tribe

Connect with like-minded, awakened souls and be part of  a community that may be deemed quite weird at first.  Most of these meditating and yogi loving individuals are very spiritual as they get to be more in tuned with their Inner Selves – living mindful and compassionate lives.

Of course, I couldn’t definitely speak for all,  for there’s a whole bunch of people as well who are able to connect with their Inner Selves through other creative medium such as Yoga,Meditation, Tai Chi, etc.  Point is, going RAW allows you to widen your tribe and meet new people who could help you on your journey to Your Best Health!

Know in your heart that with the decision to go Raw, whether just for a day, a few weeks, or for life, you do more than just for your own good. You contribute into this awakened consciousness that slowly emerges in our modern sophisticated society – one compassionate meal at a time.

So yes, it’s definitely more than just beating the summer heat and losing those few extra pounds. These results are a good motivation to get you started with this journey. Still, as for someone who has been continuously experimenting and discovered how life changing it is to go raw, I can assure you, you’ll gain benefits more than just the physical.  

Always remember, it is Your Body and it is Your Life. At the end of the day, You know What’s Best For You. I’m just a fellow Wandering Soul who aspires to share all the goodness I have experienced with Raw Food and hopes that one day, you might just give it a try!

To You Who’s Reading this, May You be Happy, May You Be Peaceful, and May You Be Free From Suffering. And May You Let your own Light shine brightly that You May Kindle Other People’s Souls To Do So Too

Princess Loirenne Adao is a Creative Artist and Founder of The Raw Beauty Project PH.

Inspired by her journey of Healing through plant based food and the Arts, Princess aims to empower people to live healthy, balanced lifestyles and be brave to pursue their passions in life. An Artist, a Smoothie Addict, a Fitness Freak and an aspiring Yoga Teacher, she only dreams of spreading her Divine Gifts and continues to believe that everyone has something to contribute to a beautiful and compassionate world through loving and making the most out of one Self first – filling one’s cup until it’s ready to pour its Light unto others. If she’s not practicing yoga or working out, know that she’s creating wonderful content for you at – doing what she loves, and does best!

June 3, 2016