Habits For Cultivating A Powerful Clear Mind

Photo by Dane Wetton
Hi Flow Tribe!
Forming a new habit/s deals with consistency, and consistency is one permanent lifestyle change that is simple. It’s not easy when it comes to training the mind, but by getting grounded on looking at what steps needs to be done, what are the critical reasons for doing the things that needs to be done. Research has shown that people are 3x more likely to stick with their habits if they make a specific plan for when, where, and how they will perform the behavior. Once that’s clear have do the following steps:
  • FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME,  researchers found that people who tried to accomplish multiple goals were less committed and less likely to succeed than those who focused on a single goal.
  • EXERCISE, studies show everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. Research also show that exercise training had a beneficial effects on changes of peak oxygen consumption. There was also significant evidence with the data that showed an increase in happiness as physical activity increases.
  • INCORPORATE DAILY BREAKS TO DO NOTHING,  take a pause from being so busy and take a nothing break. And do nothing with purpose. Countless studies show how too much work reflects on illnesses, injuries, and health behaviors ranging from depression to cardiovascular issues.
  • SET LIMITS AND STICK WITH THEM, we’re fortunate that COVID-19 has played a role on this, but setting and maintaining healthy boundaries starts with being honest with oneself. Setting and sticking to these invisible emotional, physical and mental boundaries can be done through: create, communicate and keeping yourself in check.
  • ASK FOR HELP, new research verifies the old adage, “Ask and you shall receive.” A series of studies reveals that people tend to grossly underestimate how likely others are to agree to requests for assistance.
At the end of the day, I want to remind you have the power to own your life  and live the lifestyle you intend if you choose to. Taking these steps you can cultivate the habits you want for a present mind.
October 4, 2021