How to Make Better Choices in Your Life


Decisions can be a struggle for all of us. In a world of seemingly unlimited options and possibilities, it only makes sense that picking one becomes increasingly difficult. Add all the opinions of society, family and friends to the mix, and many of us are left with confusion and uncertainty about which path to follow. But there are ways to help you make the right choices in life, some of the best we have compiled for you below.

What is ‘right’?
Right and wrong largely depends on who is asking the question. In this case, that person is you. So take some time and try to think and feel your way through this. Without any external pressure or consequences, which option would you go for? It is okay if nothing immediately clicks. What matters
is to recognize that the only person who is able to make the right choices for your life is yourself. Realizing this will help shift your perspective towards honoring what you truly want, not what others want for you.

Be honest!
What is the reason behind the choices that you make? Is it to be true to who you are or is it to please others? How many times have you sacrificed your personal truths to give way to what others think is ‘the best’ for you? The right decisions come out of personal honesty. When you are truthful about your thoughts and feelings, the right action follows. Lying to yourself and putting up a front is the fastest way to a dissatisfied life.

Take responsibility
It is probably safe to say that many things have happened to you in your life. Some good things, of course, but also plenty that were bad or downright terrible. The question is: What are you going to do about it? Because while you have no control over what other people do, you are always the
master of your own actions. You can choose to create awareness over your experiences, make the necessary adjustments, and move forward with better resolve. Alternatively, you can just feel bad, whine, do nothing, and blame others for how your life is playing out. Your call!

Stay present
Life is full of people who want you to do things more quickly, differently or not at all. But no matter what anyone else says, it is important that you make your choices with full presence of mind. Otherwise, the action you take will not be truly yours but a mere reaction to an external stimulus.
Maybe you were rushed or pressured, and as a result, you end up following someone else’s ideas instead of figuring out of what is right for yourself. It is always best to take a moment for yourselfbefore making any decision: reflect, find clarity, and create space for awareness. This moment will
empower you to truly stand behind the decisions you make.

Take advice
The most important perspective is your own but exploring that of others can still help enrich your personal point of view. Their genuine reflections, insights, and advice may add to your growing understanding and further refine your decision-making process. Just keep in mind that the advice of
others is simply their opinion – no more, no less. What you do with it is entirely up to you. Do you want to unravel your heart and mind more? Join the second Thriving Life Yoga + Discovery Retreat in Tagaytay on May 18-19, 2019. Clear your mind and learn the powerful way to create a life you love 100%. Sign-up at


Photo by Averie Woodard